Temple of The Roguelike Forums
Game Discussion => Early Dev => Topic started by: Xan on July 13, 2011, 08:42:44 PM
The legend of Siegfried 0.1.2 is now released!
All comments and suggestions are welcome.
Changelog and download links are on the wiki page (http://roguebasin.roguelikedevelopment.org/index.php/Legend_of_Siegfried).
I guess your input code read what "physical" key is pressed and not the value of the command.
This is a problem when playing with a Swedish keyboard and the game is written for American(?) keyboards.
The game told me to press '?' for commands. But nothing happens, and I have to look up where the '?'-key is on the American layout.
With SDL I find it better to read keys by their integer value:
Chars cast to integers also work:
int ('>')
That way the keyboard layout doesn't matter.
I like the feel of the game otherwise.
Yeah, the problem is that SDL never raises the keyboard event for the QuestionMark code on my keyboard (and probably most US keyboards), so I had Shift + Slash mapped to show keybindings. I just fixed this issue, so next release shouldn't have any of these problems.
You can also add the keybinding yourself by editing 'keys.cfg' and adding an another [ShowHelp] entry with the code=QuestionMark and modifiers=None.
Version 0.1.3 is now up.
Changelog and download links are on the wiki page (http://roguebasin.roguelikedevelopment.org/index.php/Legend_of_Siegfried).
Quite looking forward to how the magic system ultimately shapes up. Congrats on yet another meaty release so soon after the last! 8)
Yeah, the problem is that SDL never raises the keyboard event for the QuestionMark code on my keyboard (and probably most US keyboards)
SDL has unicode data which should give a correct keyboard code for any keyboard type.