Temple of The Roguelike Forums
Announcements => Traditional Roguelikes (Turn Based) => Topic started by: jocke the beast on July 02, 2011, 07:02:16 AM
After more then 10 years...
http://www.adom.de/jade/downloads/javawebstart/index.php (http://www.adom.de/jade/downloads/javawebstart/index.php)
Can't believe!
Item pile (*) is not that good, I would rather see the topmost item. The exit stairs from caves seems to lead downward.. but those are small issues compared to the overall feel. Well, let's hope it will get better once there is more stuff.
Yep, just goes to show that if you stick around long enough you are bound to see some interesting things happen. It also helps that this will probably wind up in MUCH better straits than Duke Nukem Forever turned out. 8)
Well, at least with this the developer has been very clear that the game is not perfect, and won't be anywhere near perfect for a while yet (as opposed to the DNF PR team's attitude of if you don't believe it's perfect then you shouldn't be allowed to review games).
The most interesting thing to me is the world map generator, which was apparently a lone from-scratch job by Thomas Biskup. Not that we'll ever get to see the source, alas ;) There are lots of UI niggles and game-breaking bugs and so forth, but for a 0.1 release this is actually not so bad.
Not so bad, but not worth playing either. Should of definitely of had a closed beta test first to remove the glaring errors of the game. At least it feels very ADOMish.
But at least he released something, hopefully he will keep the releases coming and eventually may be a playable game. At least his fans should be happy. Well done.
Whoa! Finally something.
I've been waiting for this for awhile, but I was somewhat disappointed at the unplayability and critical game bugs of this version. (Yes, I know, it is not supposed to be a real playable game, but I expected at least a little something) Your weight does not go down from dropping items, but it goes up from picking them up, so you get totally overburdened after a short time if you pick up any items. Another serious problem is it goes kind of laggy, especially in the towns.
I will be waiting expectantly for more releases of this which take care of some of these bugs.