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Websites => Off-topic (Locked) => Topic started by: Skeletor on May 03, 2011, 07:32:28 AM

Title: The goal in your life.
Post by: Skeletor on May 03, 2011, 07:32:28 AM
What's your life goal?

Mine is to get enough surplus money (15.000-25.000 euros) so I can afford to pay a programmer to develop the (free) action-roguelike I planned on paper (since almost a decade).
Currently I am not in a good situation because even if I have a degree I live in a country which has been hit hard by recession and things don't look good, but at the same time I really like investing in stock market, commodities, etc and until now I'm performing good so who knows :-)

I also would love to go live in a house in front of the sea, but let's this be goal #2 because it's way expensive here (at least 10 times than goal #1!).

Goal #3 is to travel in south-east Asia (I'm always been fascinated by those countries: Thailand, Cambodia, Philippines, etc).

Tell me about you!
Title: Re: The goal in your life.
Post by: Krice on May 03, 2011, 08:55:07 AM
Get rich, get girls and stuff. But while I'm waiting for that to happen my goal is in game design.
Title: Re: The goal in your life.
Post by: siob on May 03, 2011, 12:12:12 PM
Being able to make a living with what I love to do.

So far: success :)
Title: Re: The goal in your life.
Post by: getter77 on May 03, 2011, 12:16:10 PM
Stability with regards to a place to live and all else, reliable income for delicious food/survival, purchases, and micro-financing/bounty paying---generally I want to be in a situation where I can focus on everything/what little that stimulates me because the rough bits otherwise are well enough in hand for some peace of mind.
Title: Re: The goal in your life.
Post by: jim on May 03, 2011, 03:32:10 PM
I'd like to become landed gentry. Little organic garden, a good life with my girl, and enough time to enjoy it. And it would be neat to make a roguelike. Lately I've become fascinated by the shape of the castle in the old Vampire Hunter D anime, and I couldn't help but design the mythos around this probably never-to-be-created game. It would be good to make good on some of the promises I've made myself.

I'll settle for landed gentry, though.
Title: Re: The goal in your life.
Post by: Jolly Roger on May 04, 2011, 08:07:44 AM
to become undead.
Title: Re: The goal in your life.
Post by: Fenrir on May 04, 2011, 02:57:47 PM
to become undead.
Wouldn't that be the goal in your afterlife?
Title: Re: The goal in your life.
Post by: Skeletor on June 07, 2011, 04:36:31 PM
I'd like to become landed gentry. Little organic garden, a good life with my girl, and enough time to enjoy it. And it would be neat to make a roguelike. Lately I've become fascinated by the shape of the castle in the old Vampire Hunter D anime, and I couldn't help but design the mythos around this probably never-to-be-created game. It would be good to make good on some of the promises I've made myself.

I'll settle for landed gentry, though.

Hahah, not bad!
Title: Re: The goal in your life.
Post by: ido on June 08, 2011, 06:37:09 PM
Mine is to get enough surplus money (15.000-25.000 euros) so I can afford to pay a programmer to develop the (free) action-roguelike I planned on paper (since almost a decade).

Why not do it yourself?

Goal #3 is to travel in south-east Asia (I'm always been fascinated by those countries: Thailand, Cambodia, Philippines, etc).

You are in luck because these are very cheap countries to visit!
Title: Re: The goal in your life.
Post by: Skeletor on June 08, 2011, 07:46:50 PM
Thank you for your interest :-)
Good question. Basically because I know nothing about programming and I've never been good in the physical realization of things, I'm more good in the ideation/engineering process (which I like a lot). Furthermore I'm sure my time will be more productive (in total game development terms) earning the money to fund a programmer than programming it myself; I'll do my best to earn a shitload of cash so that I'll be able to create this game and also contribute to the roguelike scenario (let's this be goal #4 haha).
Title: Re: The goal in your life.
Post by: ido on June 08, 2011, 07:50:34 PM
I don't know what the scale you are planning is, but 15-25k euros is not enough money to have someone else make the game for you, at least not if your plan is to eventually have a game that can make at least that much back (and therefor also need stuff other than programming, e.g. graphics and music).
Title: Re: The goal in your life.
Post by: Skeletor on June 09, 2011, 07:32:59 AM
That's possible, but I don't think cost will go much higher because I need only a very simple graphic and then a content editor so that I can add every "module", item and situation by myself.
Anyway, it's too soon to worry about this :-)
Title: Re: The goal in your life.
Post by: Kyzrati on October 21, 2011, 11:16:18 PM
One word: CREATE.
Title: Re: The goal in your life.
Post by: UltimaRatioRegum on November 07, 2011, 11:19:43 PM
Finish thesis, get academic post, make Ultima Ratio Regum popular. And learn to make a good curry. That's important :)
Title: Re: The goal in your life.
Post by: Vanguard on November 09, 2011, 03:08:09 AM
My goal in life is to just chill and enjoy it.
Title: Re: The goal in your life.
Post by: atkabdultaha on July 02, 2019, 11:06:43 AM
I am a professional fashion designer at edenrobe – online shirts for Women (https://edenrobe.com/product-category/woman/ready-to-wear/) my life goal is achieved success in Fashion Design Management