Temple of The Roguelike Forums

Announcements => Traditional Roguelikes (Turn Based) => Topic started by: Altefcat on March 09, 2008, 10:31:40 PM

Title: [Update] Mines of Elderlore 1.0 *beta 4* with graphics
Post by: Altefcat on March 09, 2008, 10:31:40 PM
Here is the new release of MoE:
(watch out, the size of the file is about 34 Mb, sorry for short bandwidth, I'll publish a reduced release later with no music !)

Here is the changelog:
- new pygame release with graphics and music, sounds, and ambiance sounds
- if a mushroom is dropped on the player, he will grab it automatically
- weapons flavor bug corrected (first weapons found will be training ones
instead of iron ones)
- fuzzy state of axes and warhammers only hinders damage (instead of prevents
player from hitting monsters)
- monsters cannot move on player position anymore

Here are some screenshots of the graphics.
Title: Re: Mines of Elderlore 1.0 beta 3 with graphics
Post by: Anvilfolk on March 09, 2008, 11:44:00 PM
I haven't played it, but the presentation is top-notch! Congratulations! It's very nice to see a graphical roguelike that ... cares about the graphics!

I don't particularly like the actual game graphics (as oposed to the GUI), but I never could get used to this kind of game representation, so I'm pretty sure it's not the tiles' fault :)
Title: Re: Mines of Elderlore 1.0 beta 3 with graphics
Post by: Adral on March 10, 2008, 08:56:06 AM
Congratulations on the new release!

Sadly, I can't play it with graphics:
Code: [Select]
[0954]adral@adral-desktop:~/sda4/Juegos/roguelikes/moe/moe$ python moe-pygame.py
New game initiated in the mines of Random...
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "moe-pygame.py", line 741, in <module>
    update_display(s, player)
  File "moe-pygame.py", line 497, in update_display
    s.blit(map(player), (SCREEN_SIZE[0] - 256 + 16, 16))
  File "moe-pygame.py", line 294, in map
    alpha = pygame.surfarray.make_surface(tab)
ValueError: unsupported datatype for array

Do you know why this could be?

Executing $python moe.py does nothing, and executing $python moe-curses.py works.
Title: Re: Mines of Elderlore 1.0 beta 3 with graphics
Post by: Altefcat on March 10, 2008, 05:47:15 PM
Congratulations on the new release!

Sadly, I can't play it with graphics:
Code: [Select]
[0954]adral@adral-desktop:~/sda4/Juegos/roguelikes/moe/moe$ python moe-pygame.py
New game initiated in the mines of Random...
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "moe-pygame.py", line 741, in <module>
    update_display(s, player)
  File "moe-pygame.py", line 497, in update_display
    s.blit(map(player), (SCREEN_SIZE[0] - 256 + 16, 16))
  File "moe-pygame.py", line 294, in map
    alpha = pygame.surfarray.make_surface(tab)
ValueError: unsupported datatype for array

Do you know why this could be?

Executing $python moe.py does nothing, and executing $python moe-curses.py works.

"python moe-pygame.py" is the right command to launch it, but you need to have pygame installed. Under ubuntu, the name of the package is "python-ubuntu".
Title: Re: Mines of Elderlore 1.0 beta 3 with graphics
Post by: Adral on March 10, 2008, 06:18:08 PM
I haven't found that "python-buntu" package :-/
Title: Re: Mines of Elderlore 1.0 beta 3 with graphics
Post by: Altefcat on March 10, 2008, 06:58:24 PM
oops sorry I meant "python-pygame".
Title: Re: Mines of Elderlore 1.0 beta 3 with graphics
Post by: Adral on March 10, 2008, 07:35:55 PM
I already have that installed, I think. Anyway, I get the "loading screen", but then the game shuts down and gives me that error message. I should have probably said this earlier. Sorry!

Code: [Select]
New game initiated in the mines of Random...
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "moe-pygame.py", line 741, in <module>
    update_display(s, player)
  File "moe-pygame.py", line 497, in update_display
    s.blit(map(player), (SCREEN_SIZE[0] - 256 + 16, 16))
  File "moe-pygame.py", line 294, in map
    alpha = pygame.surfarray.make_surface(tab)
ValueError: unsupported datatype for array

Title: Re: Mines of Elderlore 1.0 beta 3 with graphics
Post by: Altefcat on March 10, 2008, 08:02:15 PM
ok, let's try something; could you change line 294 of moe-pygame.py to this:

Code: [Select]
alpha = pygame.surfarray.make_surface(N.array(tab))
Does it solves it ?
Title: Re: Mines of Elderlore 1.0 beta 3 with graphics
Post by: Adral on March 10, 2008, 08:09:53 PM
Sadly, it doesn't :(

I get this now (almost the same, only changes last line):
Code: [Select]
New game initiated in the mines of Random...
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "moe-pygame.py", line 741, in <module>
    update_display(s, player)
  File "moe-pygame.py", line 497, in update_display
    s.blit(map(player), (SCREEN_SIZE[0] - 256 + 16, 16))
  File "moe-pygame.py", line 294, in map
    alpha = pygame.surfarray.make_surface(N.array(tab))
ValueError: unsupported datatype for array
Title: Re: Mines of Elderlore 1.0 beta 3 with graphics
Post by: Anvilfolk on March 11, 2008, 01:59:49 AM
It might have to do with Python's version - on linux, even though you have 2.5 installed, you might still be running 2.4 when typing "python" in the console.

Check out the version! In order to update that to 2.5, I think all you have to do is replace the python softlink from 2.4 to 2.5. You can just delete the "python" file, and create a new one. Can't remember the exact syntax though.

Title: Re: Mines of Elderlore 1.0 beta 3 with graphics
Post by: Altefcat on March 11, 2008, 08:00:21 AM
Good idea Anvilfolk; you can launch python 2.5 with "python2.5", and 2.4 with "python2.4".

The command "whereis python" will give you all the folders where python is installed.
Title: Re: Mines of Elderlore 1.0 beta 3 with graphics
Post by: Adral on March 11, 2008, 02:53:57 PM
Executing with python2.5 still gives me the same error. :(

Ah, the magnificent doom of having a 64-bit OS...
Title: Re: Mines of Elderlore 1.0 beta 3 with graphics
Post by: Altefcat on March 11, 2008, 07:27:41 PM
I have found there a possible solution:

That's a bit technical, but here is what is suggested:

AMD64/Linux Installation Issues

If you are running on the AMD64 platform (and possibly others) you may see this error on startup:

    Exception in thread Thread-1:
    #Traceback (most recent call last):
    ValueError: unsupported datatype for array

If this occurs, you need to download and install the latest development release of pygame. Follow the instructions at http://pygame.org/cvs.html to obtain the latest development release, then:

1. Build the new release by running:
    # python makeref.py
    # python setup.py install --prefix=/path/to/temporary/spot

2. Find the directory named "pygame" within /path/to/temporary/spot/lib (on a development machine, the path was lib/python2.4/site-packages/pygame) and copy or move it (all of it, including the directory itself) into the folder containing pycdg.py and the rest of the PyKaraoke files.
Title: Re: Mines of Elderlore 1.0 beta 3 with graphics
Post by: Altefcat on March 11, 2008, 07:41:48 PM
Update : you can get this debian package that I think should solve your problem:

This bug is indeed related to 64 bit OSes, and has been corrected in pygame cvs during year 2005:

Please let me know if it solves your problem ! (crosses fingers...)
Title: Re: Mines of Elderlore 1.0 beta 3 with graphics
Post by: Anvilfolk on March 11, 2008, 07:43:12 PM
Off-topic: if it was corrected in 2005, and now it's 2008, why the heck hasn't it made into the actual distribution?
Title: Re: Mines of Elderlore 1.0 beta 3 with graphics
Post by: Adral on March 11, 2008, 07:56:56 PM
Thanks everyone for the help!

Sadly I still have problems :S

First I tried the "magic" method of downloading cvs and doing what instructed, but it didn't do anything good.

Then, trying to install the package you told me, I get an error because it depends on python <<2.5 and I have 2.5.1. What the hell?

This is just plain silly.

Is there any way of manually compiling a package? I should probably download python cvs and install it manually. Any help with that, please?
Title: Re: Mines of Elderlore 1.0 beta 3 with graphics
Post by: Altefcat on March 11, 2008, 09:00:33 PM
Welcome to the magic of dependencies !  ::) A solution would be to change some logical link, but I don't have enough knowledge to tell you what to do.

Perhaps another solution is to install python 2.4 to satisfy those package requirments ?
Title: Re: [Update] Mines of Elderlore 1.0 *beta 4* with graphics
Post by: Altefcat on March 18, 2008, 09:59:26 PM
I've release beta 4 of Mines of Elderlore. Final version is close, here is the changelog so far:
- [Bug] It is now really possible to hit monsters with axes and warhammers while
in fuzzy mode.
- [Bug] In pygame mode, you can use '1' to '4' keys from the keypad to change
your equipped weapon.
- [Bug] No more crashing to desktop when hitting a wrong key under moe-pygame.
- [Feature] In pygame mode, a menu is displayed to play multiple games without
quitting each time.
- [Feature] In pygame mode, if 'random' dungeon selected in 'moe.ini', the same
random dungeon will be proposed from game to game.
- [Feature] On floor level 'n', monsters can only progress to level 'n + n-1'.

Title: Re: [Update] Mines of Elderlore 1.0 *beta 4* with graphics
Post by: Altefcat on March 18, 2008, 10:00:25 PM
Some more screenshots:

You can get the windows binary at:

And the source release at:

After unzipping it, you can launch the game with:
- moe-pygame.exe (graphical version) or moe-curses (ascii version) under Windows
- python moe-pygame.py (graphical version) or python moe-curses.py (ascii version) under a real Operating System  ;)

There is a readme.txt file pretty complete about the game in the folder. Have fun!
Title: Re: [Update] Mines of Elderlore 1.0 *beta 4* with graphics
Post by: Adral on April 01, 2008, 01:08:40 PM
I have played b4 for some time some days ago I went outside of my city, and I can say the game is really great!

I still can't make the graphical version work, but at least I can play the game!

I have a question, though: sometimes, when I charge with the sword, I don't do full charge damage because I'm hit the turn before I move. Is this intentional? I mean, I think the player has little to no control over how to place yourself so you attack first, or is there some arcane way of doing it?

Thanks as always!
Title: Re: [Update] Mines of Elderlore 1.0 *beta 4* with graphics
Post by: Altefcat on April 02, 2008, 10:17:47 AM
Hi Adral,

Glad to know that you enjoy MoE :). For the charge to be effective, you need to hit the monster in the same direction that you were charging. A good way (but not very convenient...) to know if you are actually charging is to check your inventory ('i' key); if charging, your damage points will be increased.

A new version of Pygame has been released, have you tried it ? Under Ubuntu, you need to:
* download source files and unzip them: http://pygame.org/download.shtml
* install it: python setup.py install
That version should include the patch to the problem you had with 64bit Ubuntu.