Temple of The Roguelike Forums
Development => Programming => Topic started by: Psiweapon on March 08, 2011, 02:45:17 PM
Hay guise ;D
As you already know, I'm wasting my time developing a zapm version/variant/whatever.
Do you have any funny or interesting references, from sci-fi in general, other games, or roguelike games that you think I should implement?
can never go wrong with the shwartz.
You mean Shwartz, Susan? Haven't read any books by her, would you recommend a particular one?
May the shwartz be with you.
I had a thought and here are two ideas to consider:
When you use weapon enhance disks on phasers you could print the message "you fine tune the phase variance (http://memory-alpha.org/wiki/Phase_variance) of <weapon>" or "you fail to pick better phase variance of <weapon>" instead of regular message. Maybe even let phasers be enhanced by one more point than all other guns? The "modify the phase variance" phrase was a command sometimes given in the Star Trek series. It was also cheat code in StarCraft for bypassing structure building tree requirements.
Daleks are known for buzzing the "EXTERMINATE!" (http://www.abandonia.com/files/games/1017/Dalek%20Attack_8.png) word loudly in irritating high pitch. Make Daleks announce themselves when they enter your sight range regardless of being in dark rooms. That would provide a reference but also give some unique feel to these robotic enemies.
Wow, thanks ancient, *that* is the kind of answer I was expecting! :D
edit: of yes, that SC cheat, o.o !
'The Schwarz' is a Space Balls reference. Space Balls is a Mel Brooks movie from the 80's.
Man, I do know Spaceballs! I'll have to look up that reference, it's been a long time since I saw that movie.
For what it's worth, Daleks (according to the Dr Who series) are not robots. They're physically degenerate nasty little aliens who've built these encounter suits with mounted weapons in order to pursue their omnicidal agenda.
So there's a distinction between mechanically disabling them (eg, by cutting power to their drives and weapons) and killing them (eg, by teleporting a dose of poison into the chamber inside the suit where the "pilot" resides).
But the distinction is lost on the Major ("Just once, I wish we'd encounter an alien menace that wasn't bulletproof!!")