Temple of The Roguelike Forums
Websites => Off-topic (Locked) => Topic started by: Legend on January 18, 2011, 07:22:02 AM
I know DND and Telengard are basically the same game by the same author and not fully roguelike games, but I think they have some similarities to roguelikes and are still quite fun.
Zyll is almost a combination of a roguelike with interactive fiction, though not as deep or complex as either genres. Still quite fun and innovative for its time.
MAG or Mike's Adventure Game is one of my personal favorite roguelikes when I want to get a quicker and simpler game in. It doesn't seem to get much fanfare though. I like it because it is still quite similar to the original Rogue which is still my favorite.
Anyone else enjoy/remember any of these games?
The Telengard remake was pretty spiffily done by Travis Baldtree, who later went on to head up Torchlight and such---but the site is now throwing up malicious software warnings on FF and such. :'(
The Telengard remake was pretty spiffily done by Travis Baldtree, who later went on to head up Torchlight and such---but the site is now throwing up malicious software warnings on FF and such. Cry
Yeah I get the same warning when trying to go to the site. I hope they fix it or host a sae version of the game files somewhere else. I remember the remake being pretty good. Although, I kinda prefer the graphics in the dos version.
Played MAG a lot.. have the source around somewhere.
Telengard was literally my first PC game ever. My dad bought it on the same day we bought the computer so we would have a game. Had a great time playing it.
Of course I was a coward and had all my characters name starting with 'sv' ;D I was unaware that some had done a remake. Shame that it sounds like the website is compromised.