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Announcements => Traditional Roguelikes (Turn Based) => Topic started by: stu on February 14, 2008, 03:11:52 AM

Title: Cracks and Crevices 0.4 release
Post by: stu on February 14, 2008, 03:11:52 AM
OK, I’ve sat on the release long enough. I’m sure some basic bug will pop up but what the hey.

Remember to read the readme.txt please...

For downloads;
Release Source (compiles on ubuntu+windows)

Win32 binary

0.4 20080209
- *BIG* Rewrote mainloop code (fixed some subtle round bugs).
- Rounds now work properly for all NPC's and the PC
- Timers work correctly
- Rewrote attribute code
- Gold drops on floor now
- Monsters die correctly!
- Initial quest time shortened to make it more attainable.
- Messages are now counted and displayed as  Msg (x) if repeated to stop cluttering the display.
- Remove character dump when starting a new game
- Dont save character dump when saving game
- Stopped monsters and drops from appearing in the message window (doh!)
- Stopped saving from doing an explicit call to exit instead of falling through the game loop like quit does, which revealed some mem leaks that were plugged.
- Gold drops were dropping underneath the player not monster!
- Spells in spellbooks
- Start spell when buying first spellbook
- Attack/Target Cycling/Cast Spell commands
- Implemented 99% of the spell attributes
- Casting spells now works! (no whizzbang animation. it just works)
- auto pickup working
- Pickup key words
- Fixed : When selling item, unequip it automatically
- Added circular fov for easy games
- Bumpbed facing fov for medium + hard games
- Added leveling up
- Added ctrl-c as break all from program
- Added ESC as means to close out most all dialogues
- Made some defaults sane (no mixing cursor + keypad)
Title: Re: Cracks and Crevices 0.4 release
Post by: Adral on February 17, 2008, 09:21:41 PM
I have downloaded and compiled the game without problems, but I have a few gripes with it:
* There are LOTS of typos!
* My name gets displayed incorrectly (Iván Tomás turns into Iv??n Tom??s)
* I cannot move diagonally in my numpad, moreover, I get this on the help screen:

I'd like to try the game more thoroughly, but specially the last point is making it very hard to be enjoyable. Also, the first point (typos) breaks immersion, in my opinion. I can send you the ones I see, although I can't copy from the game screen easily.

Anyway, thanks for the release!
Title: Re: Cracks and Crevices 0.4 release
Post by: Anvilfolk on February 17, 2008, 10:20:30 PM
It's very hard for people with keyboards made for languages without accents to make a game that supports them. I honestly can't blame them... some of the foremost online shopping systems do not allow for my name either, João - there have been two recent events where I've had to contact the store to get that right. I'm going to stop using the tilde on my name when I buy stuff online.

It's a curse us continental europeans share :)
Title: Re: Cracks and Crevices 0.4 release
Post by: stu on February 18, 2008, 08:30:15 PM
I have downloaded and compiled the game without problems, but I have a few gripes with it:
* There are LOTS of typos!
* My name gets displayed incorrectly (Iván Tomás turns into Iv??n Tom??s)
* I cannot move diagonally in my numpad, moreover, I get this on the help screen:

thanks for the feedback. As for the keyboard, configure it in the config if you want diagonals. tested 4 pc's (windows 2k/xp and ubuntu 32/64. no probs on numpad diagonals once setup in the config).

my font doesn't have any accented characters. its not nor never will be unicode. its just a bitmap. I guess this is fairly detrimental. :(

I'l go over the typos for the next release. You want american english or british english? (j/k! you'll get british english)..

Title: Re: Cracks and Crevices 0.4 release
Post by: Adral on February 18, 2008, 08:40:52 PM
I have downloaded and compiled the game without problems, but I have a few gripes with it:
* There are LOTS of typos!
* My name gets displayed incorrectly (Iván Tomás turns into Iv??n Tom??s)
* I cannot move diagonally in my numpad, moreover, I get this on the help screen:

thanks for the feedback. As for the keyboard, configure it in the config if you want diagonals. tested 4 pc's (windows 2k/xp and ubuntu 32/64. no probs on numpad diagonals once setup in the config).

my font doesn't have any accented characters. its not nor never will be unicode. its just a bitmap. I guess this is fairly detrimental. :(

I'l go over the typos for the next release. You want american english or british english? (j/k! you'll get british english)..

Thanks for the response!

I have configured the game like the readme.txt says and now all the keys work!

Don't worry about not having accented characters, I guess you can always "deaccent" words or something like that. Otherwise, being able to change your name should do ;). Also, I really like how the game looks! This bitmap font looks cool.

About the typos, I can report the ones I see, if you want. I am very nitpicky with correct spelling, sorry :-/.
Title: Re: Cracks and Crevices 0.4 release
Post by: stu on February 27, 2008, 02:04:36 PM
Ive added a spelling mistakes entry to my tracker :) and an feature request to have the player pick/setup keyboard on first time playing the game, since I've had a few responses about misconfigured keys (when not actually configured).

you can see the open list;

Title: Re: Cracks and Crevices 0.4 release
Post by: Adral on February 27, 2008, 03:44:49 PM
Ive added a spelling mistakes entry to my tracker :) and an feature request to have the player pick/setup keyboard on first time playing the game, since I've had a few responses about misconfigured keys (when not actually configured).

you can see the open list;

Thank you! I'll try to add the ones I see when I play the game!