Temple of The Roguelike Forums
Announcements => Other Announcements => Topic started by: El_Dorado on January 11, 2008, 08:09:08 PM
Hello, Those who follow the path of the Roguelike!
I'm making a small, dungeon-crawling roguelike called Rogue Genesis. Based on Japan's Fushigi no Dungeon series (Seen in america as Pokemon Mystery Dungeon) yet with the features of some Rogue-styled games, I'm trying to replicate Rogue's dungeon-crawler feel with a simplified GUI and less buttons (Hit e to eat? Nonsense! Open your inventory, go to some rations or something, and hit the spacebar).
Of course, I'm still refining the graphics (they're pretty ripe right now) and some gameplay mechanics (Enemies are stupid... Only some move correctly and it is hard to kill them). Saving your game works 100% OK, but still has yet to implement the position of Enemies or Items. I'm working on it.
So, no playable demo, but lots of updates and a forum to speak about this young project at the website...
Anyways, additional info can be obtained from the forum by asking (you don't have to register) or just ask me here. You can also e-mail me (admin@team3soft.com) if you have any comments or thorough inquiries about the project.
Thank you~
(Hit e to eat? Nonsense! Open your inventory, go to some rations or something, and hit the spacebar).
Which theoretically works well, until you realize that e (eat), b (selection) is faster than i (inventory), scroll scroll scroll, space (use item).
Yes, but the way I see it, the item menu is easier (and it is opened with Home, closed with End). Especially for the beginning Rogue Player. Plus, Fushigi no Dungeon (Mystery Dungeon) has an item menu that you open, and select an item to use. Since gameplay is styled off of FnD, I prefer their way of item usage.
Me myself, I do prefer the e>itemletter style of command, and I am used to it from NetHack, but unfortunately, when I started playing NetHack (I put it on my Pocket PC when I first got my Jornada) I had no clue how to do that command. It didn't take me long to figure out, but meh... Like I said, I'm styling off of Fushigi no Dungeon.
Graphics could be improved. Anyway nice to see someone trying to create a better user interface for a roguelike.
those screens are godaweful.
makes me think of a munged up version of Powder.
have you played powder El_Dorado?
Hmm... No, I cannot proclaim that I have...
As for the graphics, I do understand they are bad, but they are only there until I can draw up something worthwhile. I have been so busy working out the kinks in the code that I have not been up to the ability of recreating Rogue sprites. What I have in mind is a brown-cloaked hero and some definately better looking monsters... Though I am still deciding on what monsters to use.
I am also thinking about adapting the engine for NetHack, including pets and the stages of NetHack (such as Sokoban, the Rogue level, etc.). I figure that I will stick to the Rogue-style engine though, for now.
Game is almost playable, I'd give it (as I believe I have mentioned before) a week minimum, a month maximum.
cant wait :D
i need a new roguelike
Play POWDER, it may help :)
Good luck with your project, Id suggest using ASCII sprites until gameplay has advanced and you can fetch an artist to work for it (If you are lucky, some artist may like the project and 'j'oin you, but that wont happen if you haven't got anything to show
Id suggest using ASCII sprites until gameplay has advanced and you can fetch an artist to work for it (If you are lucky, some artist may like the project and 'j'oin you, but that wont happen if you haven't got anything to show
Umm... No thanks. When I get around to it, I will draw my own sprites. I'm actually a quite decent graphics artist, but I've been so busy with code that I haven't been able to draw up anything. I feel gameplay is more important than visual taste.
I feel gameplay is more important than visual taste.
Very true, but unfortunately most people will not try it if the gfx are bad. I much perfer ascii than bad sprites. Ascii cannot be improved (much) so gameplay is all there is. I have tried to play powder a few times as it sounds great but I am always turned away by Jeff's bad icons.
Jeff icons arent bad, that just his style :D (plus he is got paperdolling, which is great (http://szdev.livejournal.com))
On other hand, I agree gameplay is important but you wont get enough people reaching it if you scare them away ;)
I'll have to agree with Corremn there. If you're going sprited, better have decent, good sprites from the get go. Otherwise, nearly everyone who takes a look at an early release will remember it as "oh, that game with the horrible graphics" and not even think twice about NOT trying it again.
Heck, have the sprite system ready, but use ASCII tiles for starters :)
Actually, because the sprites are animated, it's very hard to make ASCII work here...
Unless... gasp...
Animated ASCII characters...?
Animated ASCII characters...?
Why not? :P
done quite often in zzt ;)
really? I thought they were played in console mode? (80x50)?
I must check them out again...
As you've probably guessed, I've stopped working on the project.
I've begun work on a GUI for DOS with the help of a friend of mine from Australia.