Temple of The Roguelike Forums

Game Discussion => Traditional Roguelikes (Turn-based) => Topic started by: Anvilfolk on December 10, 2007, 10:39:18 PM

Title: IVAN coolest deaths
Post by: Anvilfolk on December 10, 2007, 10:39:18 PM
Right, in an attempt to get more people to play and get into IVAN (http://ivan.sourceforge.net), I started this topic so that we could relate the coolest, most stupid or weird deaths you've suffered in IVAN!

I've had a couple of very nice ones:

Like the one time I was all happy I had found a pickaxe, so I could break down walls instead of going around huge tunnels. There I was, and I decided "yep, this is the spot! I'm gonna break this here wall, and get to the stairs so much quicker!". Wielded the pickaxe, and hit the wall. Turns out there was an oil lamp on the other side. Apparently, bad things happen when a lit oil lamp collapses on the ground along with the wall. Bad things, like, say, explosions. Stuff on my inventory started exploding too and getting burnt, and one of those things was a wand of polymorph. I turned into a "giant magpie", wearing a couple dozen kilos of equipment. Kinda hard to fly. A badger came along and proceeded to munch my head off while I was trying to get rid of a shirt of chainmail.

The other time I was in the second dungeon, whose ground seems to grow mines like grass in Great British soil. So I walked into this room and was exploring when I stepped into a mine (go figure). Usually, they're pretty much insta-kill, but I must've had a cloak or rings of fire resistance... I didn't even dare watch the map, I just looked at the messages. "This exploded, that exploded, your potion of healing heats up and explodes, your leg is blown away, your wand of door creation explodes..., etc, etc". However, there was no: "YOU DIE!" message! I rejoiced!

Then I looked at the map. The wand had created doors all around me. That's ok, I'll just rest (and I did) and then open them. "The door is locked." Hmmmmmm. I'll try the another one. "The door is locked."... "The door is locked."..."The door is locked.""The door is locked.""The door is locked.""The door is locked.". DOH!

Right. I took a potion of something or prayed, and got a leg back. I kicked the door: "Your weak kick has no chance of affecting this door." DOUBLE-DOH!

After surviving a minefield explosion, I starved to death. It must've been one of the most frustrating deaths I've ever had!
Title: Re: IVAN coolest deaths
Post by: dopefish7590 on December 21, 2007, 02:15:39 AM
haha thats hillarious :D
Title: Re: IVAN coolest deaths
Post by: corremn on January 06, 2008, 11:46:00 AM
Ivan can indeed give you some amusing deaths.  One of the first time I encountered a suicidal dwarf I was carrying a wand of fire and a wand of polymorph and it ended very bad. I survived the initial blast, then my wand of poly exploded and I randomly got turned into a elite guard, cool I thought I am alive, then my wand of fireballs went bang.... bits of not-so-elite-afterall-guard all over the walls...
Title: Re: IVAN coolest deaths
Post by: Troglodyte on July 21, 2008, 06:11:10 PM
Ate a corpse of a mutant ass, then polymorphed to a skunk, and the beaten to death by a carnivorous mutant bunny...
There goes my meteoric steel chainmail, angel hair cloak and so on... :'-(