Temple of The Roguelike Forums
Announcements => Traditional Roguelikes (Turn Based) => Topic started by: getter77 on May 26, 2010, 10:28:13 PM
A rather big patch this time, containing some inferface upgrades, shortcuts and many bug fixes (some which haunted me for quite some versions). Also upgraded were the raise dead spells (you can return corpses back to life now), and it is now also possible to cast enhancement spells on multiple targets at the same time.
Player corpses will now also store ALL items instead of just one (decided randomly) so everytime you defeat an undead former character it may drop a different item from that hero.
Patch R 8.06 Notes:
-Qismetra Germs no longer affect the player when they affect others.
-Item mods added via gems now correctly are listed below each other.
-Summoned creatures will no longer carry any gold or grant xp even when hit by Ao's Staff of Wisdom, the Amulet of Yendor or similar items.
-Rodney can now also drop fake Amulets of Yendor.
-Added the Wizard's Triangle & Third Edition Tower Shield unique items.
-When you ascended the character dump will no longer say Is Dead: Ascended, but instead correctly state that the character ascended and didn't die.
-Added three new item suffixes (of the Hulk, of Etherealness and of Recoil).
-Added Nether item prefix.
-Creatures who can walk through walls can no longer walk through the outer walls of the level.
-All three wingding fonts can now be used.
-A little symbol now indicates whether minions are set to follow or attack.
-Knockback is now limited to knockback value. Being stronger only makes you more resistant to being knocked back, it does not increase your own knockback.
-Fixed a minor bug where a flood spell could act across levels.
-Flood can now be dispelled (if you are quick enough).
-Rewrote the code changing the way corpses are handled. Allowing for:
-High level Recall Spirits can now sometimes perform a true resurrection, allowing you to save powerful allies, and even raise bosses to aid you. Resurrected monsters do not count as undead, in fact raised undead will become released from their curse.
-Animate Dead can now sometimes turn dead monsters in undead slaves for you, retaining all abilities they had in life, but becoming undead.
-Lowered chance of a succesful wish using a wishing shrine slightly.
-When trying to modify an item's description the game correctly mentions that you can use # as a new line character.
-Fixed a bug where parts of a level would turn invisible.
-Made Excruciating Demisatitus disease even worse.
-Effects that duplicate the player now correctly copy health regeneration & see invisible.
-Artifacts gained via wishes now have that in their description correctly.
-Several enchantments no longer lose their visual effects after a spell persistancy check.
-Added Heinz Evil Clockwork Factory special random level.
-Archmage, Sorceror, Elementalist and Wild Mage now always start with a regenerative offensive spell.
-Floating texts and clouds no longer carry over to the next dungeon level.
-Fixed some mess-up in the item description involving incantations and invocations.
-Dispel Magic will no longer target empty space.
-Player corpses now store all their items and one randomly drops when the corpse is killed.
-Winds of Fate: You can now press SHIFT (or ALT) + F7 to cast a selected enchantment spell on all nearby allies. It automatically ignores allies which already have that enchantment active. This also works with Healing Water, in which case it ignores allies who have full hitpoints. You can also use ALT (or SHIFT) + Left Mouse Button.
-Chains of Fate: Works like Winds of Fate but works with hostile enchantments.
-Familiar added spell levels now correctly affect drops.
-Familiar spell level also capped (at the same place as the player).
-Prismatic Spheres do no longer leave corpses.
-Prismatic Sphere is now a circle 2 spell.
-You can select which spell Prismatic Sphere uses by pressing F10 over a spell in the INS screen.
-Fixed a minor bug in the advanced Watcher spell used by Rune Casters.
-You can select which spell Watcher uses by pressing F11 over a spell in the INS screen.
-Item level of The Standard Model has been increased.
-Ascended character aura modified slightly.
-Ascension shrine now gives a random colored aura instead of yellow.
-Priest and Healer start with a small amount of loveliness.
Yet another "incremental" release! 8)
-Corrected some typos in death texts.
-Added a new unique item.
-Highmen now possess true seeing.
-Added several new traps.
-Fireball and Evaporate Wall will no longer have an allergic reaction to spellmantles which in some cases could lead to an instakill.
-Friendly unique followers don't count towards your summoning limit anymore.
-Glow from Watcher runes disappears faster.
-Made a better selection of spells that can be considered good starting offensive spells.
-Several spells will now target the immediate area instead of a random unrelated area when used as cast-on-death spells (e.g. prismatic spheres).
-Added the Dread Touch disease.
-The specific diseases with which you are infected now show up in the character info and character dump.
-Pestilence no longer travels through walls and can no longer be dispelled.
-Wind Ward and Spellmantle now protect against Pestilence.
-Added two new unique items.
-Player corpses now can pass through walls etc. if the original player could.
-Priest's loveliness increased.
-Added the Totemic Whisperer class.
http://trianglewizard.webs.com/apps/blog/ Quite possibly a record speed jump to R 8.07 8)