Temple of The Roguelike Forums
Announcements => Other Announcements => Topic started by: Tagetto on November 18, 2007, 07:05:45 PM
I've been searching Roguelikes for a little bit now, and stumbled across Dwarf Fortress. I skipped Fortress Mode for sanitys sake, even though I've heard great things about it. What really intrigued me was the combat system. I know the Adventure Mode is not the main focus of that particular roguelike, but I couldn't help myself. I enjoyed the detail in damaged limbs and levels of pain. It also had an interesting feature where piercing weapons could impale the foe, and you'd have to pull the weapon out, or twist it to inflict pain. Enemys even flew backwards in some instances of being hit with blunt weapons.
So if there are any roguelikes anyone knows of with a similar combat system, I'd greatly appriciate them pointing me in it's direction.
While I don't know of any other roguelikes that forgo hp and damage like DF, Ivan (http://ivan.sourceforge.net/ (http://ivan.sourceforge.net/) ) has dismemberment and beating people to death with your own ripped off limbs and such.
IVAN is awesome ;D
Seriously, it takes a bit to get used to, but it's very rewarding :)
Is there an ascii mode for ivan??
Nop... as I said, it takes awhile getting used to, but it pays off.
You'll soon get to recognize the types of weapons and their material by the colours and shapes. You'll also start enjoying seeing limbs and blood everywhere, and get really scared when seeing the explosion when you inadvertently step on a mine ;)
Nothing for me then. I want ascii and fullscreen without any borders/frames/command bars in a roguelike - anything else is not a roguelike in my book. I can´t even stand angband (couldn´t find out how to get rid of the frames and graphics)..
You're being a bit to extreme. I also much prefer the ascii mode, it's so much geekier ;) But still, I'd be missing out on a lot if I hadn't forced myself to try other, more graphical roguelikes. Also, check out Liberal Crime Squad.